10 People you should follow if you care about AI

Mike Hassaballa
5 min readOct 15, 2019

Disclaimer: Readers be aware that the word AI, short for Artificial Intelligence, is being used and has been used for the past few years as click bait and by people who don’t really know what it means. In addition to non technical executives who are riding the wave of propaganda that the advances in AI “are going to change the world” or, “AI will be the most important technology of our lifetime.” Many of these folks who “know nothing” on the subject and are often being misled. In addition to the misleading advertising on the internet, a number of corporations, including Apple and Google, are investing large sums of money in and developing the technology.

This hyped AI is in fact a branch of computer science called Machine Learning (ML). If we want to be more technical and specific; we can state that the hype is about the use of various ML computer algorithms (accordingly computer code) in limited real world applications like translation, classifying images. To be more specific, developers (computer programmers) use Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) more specifically Convolution Neural Networks (CNN) with a method called back propagation. What is ironic is that John Launchbury, the Director of DARPA‘s Information Innovation Office (I2O) once called these ML methods “Glorified Excel Sheets”.

After extensive research for the past three years on the topic of AI, I present you with the following list. If you are interested in what most people refer to as “AI” (actually ML) and what is may bring to our world…



Mike Hassaballa

Follow me for content on climate change, sustainable energy, economy, technology, investment and artificial intelligence. I write bi-weekly.